If we stop a moment to take a breath and really appreciate the wonderful world around us, we’d realize that there’s impossible beauty to the most mundane of things, even the laws of physics. Thanks to Item A and Person B being in perfect geometric harmony, the most astonishing flukes have occurred, from one-of-a-kind basketball shots to someone’s life being miraculously saved by falling just a fraction away from danger.
A thing of impossible scientific beauty is surely the only way to describe this hilariously unrepeatable, and yet also no doubt extremely painful, moment experienced by a man whose only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong microsecond. In a jaw-dropping TikTok video sharing some security camera footage, a contractor stands outside a home he’s doing some work on when, unbeknownst to him, a driver loses control of their car behind him.
The car skids to a crash against the gate post at his rear, which causes a traffic cone to go flying, soaring like a torpedo thanks to the speed of the car. In a wince-inducing coincidence that you couldn’t recreate if you tried it a hundred times (although good luck convincing someone to volunteer), the cone goes sailing straight into the poor man’s buttocks, at which point the contractor silently wails out in pain and clutches at his impaled derriere.
Such is the amazing Rube Goldbergian complexity of the bottom-breaking accident, like something from a Final Destination/Home Alone crossover movie, that we can only assume this was karmic retribution for some crime this man has committed. I mean, going by the fact he’s just scrolling on his phone at the beginning of the clip, it’s clear he’s hardly working not working hard. But if that was enough to get a bright orange projectile fired into his rectum then the ER departments of every hospital in the country would be full of contractors trailing traffic cones.
No, this has to be targeted revenge on behalf of that traffic cone. “That was personal,” one commenter attested, while another noted that the contractor could file for harassment in the workplace: “So do they call insurance or HR first.” Other cracks at the expense of this man’s crack include “They’re never going to believe this at the ER,” “Bro really had to do Pose 28,” and the altogether more ominous “What is meant for you will find you.” And then there’s a more niche quip. “Did he just install VLC Media Player???” someone asked. If you know, you know.
Sadly, many are also speculating that this footage has been altered with AI, and, yes, that is entirely possible, or perhaps even probable. Still, I am sticking to my personal belief in the beauty of everyday accidents. We’ve all heard of the Butterfly Effect, which speaks to how stepping on a random butterfly could alter the course of human history. Well, this is the Traffic Cone Effect — how one random traffic cone collision can cause a sudden increase in the sale of butt-pillows.