What would it be like to live in the same apartment building as your family? Would you cheer because you could borrow sugar and butter from each other anytime you wanted, or would it be too close for comfort? Hopefully, it would be more Friends than Melrose Place, because no one wants that much drama and scheming in their vicinity. Well, one woman discovered the answer… and it definitely sounds fun.
TikTok user @malaeyaa shared a video in a nice-looking building and explained that her parents purchased an empty apartment complex “and now everyone in our family has their own apartment.” She said this is something she reminds herself of “when I’m bored.”
Talk about convenience! Just think of all the heartwarming Thanksgiving gatherings and Christmas mornings. Each family member could host birthdays, holidays, and other celebrations at their place, and everyone could easily contribute to the meals since they wouldn’t have to travel far. No more worries about dropping that perfect pumpkin pie on the subway, or wondering if that salad is going to look as good after an Uber ride.
Some commenters wanted videos of what each apartment unit looks like, and others wondered about the cost. One user wrote, “oh you rich richh.” Another said, “this is a new goal now.” Most felt that this would be a total dream. One wondered if the family members pay rent on each unit.
Although not everyone would want to live in the same condo or house as their parents or relatives (no matter how lovely or close they are), living in the same building could be the best of both worlds. You have your own place and don’t have to see each other all the time, but you can also easily hang out when you want. As long as everyone communicates about boundaries and personal space, it could work out super well. I speak from experience, as my parents and I live in the same building. It wasn’t the plan, but I loved visiting them and decided to move into their building a few years after they downsized. Perks include little things like sharing library books… and big things like childcare!
As one commenter pointed out, buying an apartment building is going to be expensive. Of course, the cost depends on where you live, and I’m not great at math, but I do know that it’s always going to add up. One Toronto building with 12 units is currently for sale for $5,800,000 CAD, so, yeah, that’s going to break the bank. That’s a deal compared to this NYC building with 11 units that is on the market for almost $9 million USD. But wait, you could also spend $2 million USD and get this Columbus, Ohio building made up of 16 units.
Of course, multigenerational housing is nothing new. The Pew Research Center concluded that 58.4 million Americans resided in the same house as other members of their family in 2019, and that number was 59.7 million in 2021. Pew also found that 75% of adults who live with different generations consider it “mostly or always rewarding” and 25% found it “stressful all or most of the time.” Honestly, though, rental life can be tough, and it can be hard to find a place to live that is nice, affordable, quiet, and peaceful. If you can share a house or apartment building with people you care about and get through the ups and downs of life together, I think that’s beautiful.