When one becomes a pet parent, life is never the same again in the best way possible.
TikTok user, @phiabell, has a couple of four-legged furry friends that keep her and her family company, and her wholesome videos make one further wish that the looming TikTok ban is someway, somehow averted.
Even on a bad day, Phiabell’s TikTok profile could bring a smile to anyone’s face. Not because it’s funny as in comedic, but due to the combination of healthy, adorable pets, and joyful, smiling children, both of whom get to enjoy the undisturbed endless span of nature around them, which gives off a contagiously peaceful and tranquil vibe.
This, however, does not mean that shenanigans don’t ensue. Everyone knows how children and animals can both be prone to mischievousness from time to time. In this case, one of Phiabell’s two cats – whom she proudly features in multiple videos – spotted something she wanted and decided to go for it with no warning or ceremony.
Nothing can come between this kitty and a chicken nugget
When I use the “you did something wrong” voice with my dog, he has the bare decency to lower his head and look guilty as charged. When Phiabell uses her “you did something wrong” voice – though her tone is borderline amused – her cat, who is shamelessly sprawled on the carpet by the Christmas tree, does not seem like she gives a rat’s tail about what happened. In fact, she could have hardly looked more unbothered and at peace.
So, what was this kitty’s offense? According to the owner’s short chastising monologue, the story goes: When the delivery person arrived at Phiabell’s residence and she opened the door, this eagle-eyed cat saw that their child, sitting on the backseat of their delivery van, was enjoying a box of chicken nuggets. Without anyone able to act quick enough to stop her, Phiabell’s cat, eyes on the prize, managed to swipe a chicken nugget from the child.
Even the dog that can be heard in the background has more of a reaction to the accusations than the accused. One netizen even cared to translate the well-timed bark: “The dog: 🗣️“Remind her about the chicken nugget she took.”
Another commenter wrote: “Something tells me this wasn’t the cat’s first offense.” That may be both because of Phiabell’s tone and how, as a third netizen put it, there’s “Not an ounce of regret in those eyes.”
From other TikToks, one can tell that this is one lazy kitty who enjoys spending most of her life lying on her back, white fluffy belly to the sky. Moreover, the fact that she so swiftly managed to pilfer a chicken nugget indicates that this cat is also, most likely, a foodie. She’ll meow for food or steal it if she has to.
That is all to say that both this adorably unashamed thief and Phiabell’s other pets are evidently living their very best life: With plenty of sun, surrounded by nature, in the midst of a loving family, who’ll still love them even when they misbehave – in this unlikely-to-be-isolated case, for gluttony-fueled reasons.