Man Found ‘Soaked and Frozen’ in Romanian Mountains Says Devoted Pet Kitten ‘Kept Me Alive’

“Peach kept my heart warm and he kept my faith alive,” the Ukrainian man told the Associated Press of his feline companion.

Kitten Saves Ukrainian man
Peach the cat peers from 28 year-old Vladislav Duda’s jacket in the Carpathian Mountains, northern Romania.

A Ukrainian man who was on the verge of freezing to death was rescued from a ravine in the Carpathian Mountains with a furry little companion he says saved his life: a kitten named Peach.

According to the Associated Press, Vladislav Duda, 28, was found “soaked and frozen” and severely hypothermic in a 400-meter (437-yard) deep ravine in Romania’s northern Maramures region last week. It took dozens of the region’s mountain rescue workers to save him in harsh blizzard conditions.

“The cat was warm and was warming him … so he saved his life,” Dan Benga, the director of the Maramures mountain rescue service, told the outlet. “The only thing we saw he is caring about is the cat. He doesn’t care about himself.”

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