CBS Reporter Ashley Sharp Dubbed An ‘Angel’ On TikTok For What She’s Doing Amid LA Wildfires

A CBS reporter is receiving tons of praise and gratitude on TikTok for helping people in a unique way who had to evacuate their homes amid the Los Angeles wildfires.

In the past few days, Ashley Sharp has shared many videos on TikTok after receiving requests from people who had to flee their homes, and she’s been putting in overtime to do what she can.

Ashley Sharp Is Helping To Give Closure To Some TikTokers Who Had To Evacuate In LA

Ashley Sharp
TikTok | Ashley Sharp

Sharp, a news reporter with CBS Sacramento, has been on scene throughout the tragic LA wildfires and sharing her experience on TikTok.

When a TikTok viewer named Katie shared a comment on one of Sharp’s videos, a new mission was born.

“Are you still near E. Calaveras? We are desperately trying to get information about 696,” Katie wrote. Sharp responded with a video.

“I’m in Altadena covering the Eaton fire and Katie here commented on one of my videos and ask that we check out her family home, 696 Calaveras,” Sharp said while on the scene. “I’m gonna turn the camera around here, uh, 696, I’m walking up into the driveway. I just wanna show you and tell you I’m so sorry. It’s gone.”

She then panned the camera over to show the chimney and then the neighbor’s home.

“I’m really sorry,” she said holding back tears. “It’s just not easy, right? You know, to be here and we’ve watched families coming in and out and I’m glad we could give you an update, Katie, but I’m really sorry that we had to be the people to tell you. If there’s anything else we can do, just shoot me an Instagram or a TikTok message or a comment.”

Comments Requesting Ashley Sharp Visit Other Locations Started To Pour In

After watching Sharp’s video sharing bad news, but some sense of closure for Katie, comments started to flood her videos asking about other nearby addresses. Sharp was now on a mission to help as many as she could.

“We’ve been posting some videos tonight on TikTok and Olivia here commented asking that we check out 2685 Santa Rosa Avenue. Another commenter asked about the Christmas Tree Lanes, a popular Christmas light display street in Altadena, and I believe that that’s where I am now, this stretch of Santa Rosa and surrounding, ” she said in her video.

“Olivia, I’m gonna turn the camera around, and I’m gonna show you. So we’ve got 2685, yeah, I’m sorry, it’s not good news.”

Sharp showed that everything was “all gone” after walking closer.

Many viewers dropped into the comments to share their thoughts on the mission Sharp has been on and what she’s doing for strangers online.

“I hope reporters like you are the future. Your care for your community is admirable and you going the extra mile to give people info needed to plan their next steps is amazing,” one person wrote. Another added, “Ashley thank you for putting news aside to help these people. It shows your character and your humanity. You are for people not the story.”

‘Good News Finally’

After a few devastating videos, there was finally some “good news” for Sharp to share after visiting an address for TikToker Tracy.

“Alright, Tracy, my photographer Dave and I, we drove over to check out your home on 840 West Altadena. Gonna hop out of the car here,” she said before delivering her first bit of good news.

“My voice is a little bit happier on this one. I’m gonna turn the camera around. 840 West Altadena Drive, still standing.”

She continued to share that while there is “likely some damage,” but “your home, Tracy, is still here.”

Many took to the comments to share more gratitude for Sharp.

“Ashley you are a good person doing this for people. When Mr. Rogers said ‘look for the helpers’ you are who he meant. We really need to see the goodness in the world right now,” one viewer shared. Sharp replied, “Thank you for saying this but there are so many doing so much more than me. This was just a simple service, if we are here might as well do anything we can to help.”

When one viewer asked, “what made you start doing this,” she replied, “In between TV live shots across the country we will have 30 min breaks here and there. Might as well do something productive. People started asking so I found the one close enough to walk to and went.”

Ashley Sharp Shared An ‘Eerie’ Video Of Abandoned Cars

In addition to sharing news about some TikTok viewers’ homes, she also shared a few videos showing another side to this tragedy. In one video she talked about the reality of getting an evacuation order when you’re not home and having to leave your pets behind. In another, she shared a look at how things can be one way on one side of the street and so different on the other.

“These people all left their cars here. You know, in an evacuation, and the fire starts to move in, there comes a point where you literally have to get out of your car and run,” she said. “I would imagine a bulldozer came through and bulldozed a path, and that’s why these cars are piled on top of each other over here.”

She then showed the other side of the street.

“This just goes to show you the gravity of a situation like this, where if you have to get out of your car and go, all these cars behind us were fine, right?” she said before showing a whole different scene just steps away. “These are all burned. Just in the middle of Sunset Boulevard.”

One viewer pointed out, “Imagine taking only the most important things from your house and putting them in your car, but then having to AGAIN take only the important from your car that you can carry when you go foot.” Another said, “This is one of the most impactful videos I’ve seen. I can’t imagine the fear and sheer panic those people were feeling.”

Sharing The Sad News That She Has To Leave LA

Sharp has been called an “angel” in many comments of her videos. So many viewers, whether affected directly by the wildfires or not, have flocked to Sharp’s page to share their gratitude and support for all she’s doing.

In her most recent video, shared Sunday morning, Sharp shared that she has to leave the area now. Captioned, “If you watch this whole video, thank you. I’m still trying to process these emotions. I feel horrible for leaving. I wish we could stay on the ground and bring you this info and check your homes. It’s been a life changing experience. Please stick around and continue to care about these fires,” she shares how leaving is making her feel.

“So I’m leaving LA today. That’s really not what I wanted to be saying,” she began her somber video. “We’ve been here since Tuesday and honestly, it just doesn’t feel right to leave.”

She revealed that her boss wants her to rest after the last tough week, and that they are sending another reporter to the area in her place. She also said there’s a chance she will be sent back to LA later in the week.

“I can’t help but feel this immense guilt, because I get to leave and I get to just go home and live my life, after covering this devastation since Tuesday,” she said. “I feel connected to it. And I think what’s been really hard is, I started asking people to share their addresses, and we started driving by some people’s homes, and I knew from the beginning that I wasn’t gonna be able to show everybody’s and I kind of went into it with the mindset that even if we only help one person with this, it means something to that one person.”

Just minutes after sharing her video, tons of supportive comments were left for her.

“You have been an Angel to so many – bringing hope and light even in the most tragic of outcomes. Families aren’t left wondering. Safe travels,” one person wrote. Another added, “I don’t know what award to nominate you for, but I’m gonna do some research and find out!! Take care of yourself and THANK YOU.”

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